WAX CREATORS: Feel free to send NFTs to our prize wallet break.fx and we will feature & shout out your logo on Twitch and give the prizes away to viewers.

ConsumerBreak has Digital Trading Card NFTs on the WAX Blockchain!


Season 4 is LIVE NOW!

See more details including utility at HybridCreaturesNFT.com


Drop links at neftyblocks.com/c/cbreakgaming
BLENDS at neftyblocks.com/c/cbreakgaming/blends
Collection: wax.atomichub.io/explorer/collection/cbreakgaming
WAX Blockchain Beginner’s Guide: HybridCreaturesNFT.com/wax-guide

If you want to buy our NFTs with PayPal and not deal with cryptocurrency, please email us at contact@consumerbreak.com and we’ll facilitate this.

If you are new to WAX and want to try it out for free, please e-mail us and ask for a wallet and instructions! We’ll get you set up and send your first free packs to open!


Hybrid Creatures NFT is a series of collectible creature trading cards with blending and profit sharing utility partnered with a P2E puzzle game mobile app.

Utilities for holders of “mythic” Hybrid Creature nfts include:

  • Revenue sharing through an exclusive monthly ConsumerBreak puzzle game. 10% of all NFT sales are sent to a Rewards Pool WAX Address. Each monthly Revenue Share game divides 20% of what is in the Rewards Pool (in WAXP) with participating players. This stacks across all Mythic Hybrid Creature NFTs held and is continuous for the lifetime of the project. See more details at https://www.hybridcreaturesnft.com/rewards-pool

  • 2X earnings multiplier on play-to-earn ConsumerBreak puzzle games

  • Highest staking in future WAXDAO farm & other games, as well as highest # of entries in weekly spin wheel raffle

  • Free access to the complete Hybrid Creatures Graphic Novel in the future

  • Exclusive Discord Channel for chatting and updates

Once you have a WAX account, paste or type your WAX Address (for example, kgkkc.c.wam) into the “WAX Address” field in your app menu’s WALLETS tab.

Join our Discord for giveaways and community!

If none of this makes sense to you… no worries! We will walk you through every step of the way. Please email us at contact@consumerbreak.com for help!


WAX (The Worldwide Asset eXchange™) is the most used and transacted blockchain ecosystem in the world for NFTs, dApps and video games - providing the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade both virtual and physical items to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Known best as “The King of NFTs”, WAX is the leading NFT network and has successfully facilitated the trade of millions of NFTs from partners including Topps (Major League Baseball), Capcom (Street Fighter), Funko, Atari, Sony’s Funimation, Hot Wheels, famous films (Spider-Man: No Way Home, Princess Bride, SAW), world-renowned entertainers (Deadmau5, Weezer, William Shatner), and many more.

Carbon Neutral

WAX’s Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism is 125,000x more energy efficient and uses less than 0.00001% the energy of Proof of Work chains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As a result, Climate Care awarded WAX with a Carbon Neutral Certification in early 2021. Not only has WAX solved the environmental issues presented by NFTs minted on Ethereum, but also has an environmental mindset and is taking action to erase their carbon footprint, having made huge strides in building a sustainable future.


Due to the efficiency of the WAX blockchain, there is an abundance of utility use cases available. From staking and voting to DeFi and NFT games, with quick and nearly free transactions and minting, this provides a wide range of applications. Best of all, creating a WAX wallet is extremely simple and quick - requiring no payment to get started and with very inexpensive transaction fees.